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Our mission, vision and our values. Our culture and way of understanding the world
Our history
People and talent
GAM in the world
Rental, sale and maintenance of machinery together with tailor-made solutions for the industry
Machinery rental
New sale
Mobile robotics
Sustainable mobility
Used equipment sales
Specialists thanks to our customers and your needs
Metallurgical industry
Automotive and aeronautics
Solutions for ports
Mining and extraction activities
Paper, wood, cardboard and recycling
Renewable energies
Logistics, transport and supply chain
Food industry
GAM Embracing Sustainability to comply with the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda
Our strategy
Sustainability indices
Sustainable development goals
Sustainability report
Shares and equity capital
Investors agenda
Public offers sale admission securities
Inside information and other relevant information
Significant equity shareholding and treasury stock
Main magnitudes
Quarterly information
Annual reports and audited accounts
Days payable outstanding
Emissions and credit rating
Board of directors
Committees of the board
General shareholders meetings
Corporate standards
Corporate governance annual report
Corporate politics
Articulated platforms
Scissors platforms
Telescopic platforms
Single-person platforms
Lorry-mounted platform
Telescopic handlers
4x4 forklifts
Mini excavators
Skid-steer loaders
Mini loader backhoes
Order pickers
Tow tractors
Generator set
Air compressors
Heat cannons
Industrial cleaning
Hydraulic cranes
Modular services
Electrical hoists and bridges crane
Chile Spanish
Oriente medio
Arabia Saudí English
About Gam
General information
Economic and financial information
Corporate governance
Lifting platforms
Other equipment
GAM voluntarily undergoes periodic audits and it is the only rental company that has ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 Environment, Prevention and Safety international certifications.
Ask for information
Machinery rent
Long and short-term machinery rental with a wide range of accessories. Fleet optimisation. Lease back operations and purchase and sale of equipment to monetise owned equipment.
Turnkey energy projects.
Machine configuration studies.
Safety systems to detect the presence of people and obstacles.
Explosion-proof protection elements, for gases and for dusty environments.
Electrical maintenance and indoor equipment: side loader forklifts and multidirectional forklifts. Accessories for every need: positioners, mast extenders, drum turners, etc. Generators, load banks and electrical panels.
Lifting and handling.
Loaders, tractors and big trucks.
Drones for structural inspections and confined spaces.
Flexible, short and long-term renting, on-site technical support and options such as replacement equipment or 24/7 maintenance.
Maintenance programmes
GAM takes care of the management and maintenance of machines or entire fleets with cost control. GAM has specialised technical staff to provide service at the customer's facilities or in its own offices. GAM's maintenance plans prevent breakdowns and outages, which means greater safety, higher productivity and considerable savings on repairs.
GAM's service includes replacement machines, 24/365 technical support, certified training on machinery handling, spare part sales, RD 1215/97 compliance and permanent mechanical service available at the customer's facilities.
Optimización de costes y tiempos de producción
La construcción modular permite ampliar los espacios de trabajo, proporcionando un espacio a medida de rápida instalación y uso inmediato. Al ser una estructura móvil y reutilizable cuenta con grandes facilidades de instalación y montaje, lo que supone una importante optimización de costes y tiempos de producción
Sus aplicaciones más habituales son ampliación de oficinas, nuevas zonas de almacén, comedores y vestuarios, salas de formación o cualquier otro uso que demande la empresa. El sistema de construcción modular permite una personalización total del espacio según sea el presupuesto, tamaño requerido y las necesidades de distribución del proyecto.
Legislación, auditorías y certificaciones GAM
El exigente entorno de las actividades del metal implica rigurosas medidas de seguridad para todos sus colaboradores. Para poder realizar los trabajos de forma eficiente es imprescindible conocer con detalle la legislación y normativa pertinente, y pasar los rigurosos procedimientos de seguridad que requieren estas empresas.
Con varios años de experiencia en la industria metalúrgica, GAM cuenta con todas las certificaciones necesarias, además de someterse voluntariamente a controles periódicos de calidad.
Las industrias evolucionan hacia operativas cada vez más eficientes y ecológicamente sostenibles. Nuestro parque de maquinaria cuenta ya con más de un 65% de equipos cero emisiones, proporción que irá en aumento siguiendo el ambicioso plan de renovación de flota y vehículos.
GAM cuenta con las máximas certificaciones en materia de Seguridad, Prevención y Medioambiente, somos la única empresa del sector certificada con la ISO 45001.
We are specialists in services related to machinery and we are in constant contact with our clients in order to provide added value to their main activity.
We offer a comprehensive rental service, complemented by maintenance, training and purchase-sale.
We also have business lines specialized in drone engineering, AGVs, modular structures, machinery distribution and event production for companies.
Our projects include turnkey energy plans, fleet optimization with carbon footprint analysis, machinery fleet management, fleet monitoring, technical studies for warehouse improvement and create cleaner work environments, process automation and robotization.
As part of our commitment to safety and the environment, GAM voluntarily submits to different audits and quality controls. The company is accredited with international standards ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001, highest accreditations in Prevention, Safety and the Environment. 75 delegations, 600 technicians and more than 300 mobile workshops.