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In this section, you can see and download the documents related to GAM's general shareholders' meeting in pdf format.
Easily access all documentation related to the last General Shareholders' Meeting. You can also consult the documentation and information from previous years, since 2006.
If you have any questions, please contact us through the contact section, social media or by calling 900 230 022..
13 June 2024
Voting results
13 May 2024
Announcement of call for the Ordinary General Meeting 2024
Full text of the proposed agreements of the 2024 Ordinary General Meeting
Individual annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and memory), the management report and the auditor's report corresponding to the financial year 2023
Annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and memory), the management report (which in turn includes the Consolidated Non-Financial Information Statement, the Annual Report of Corporate Governance and the Annual Report on Remuneration of Directors) of the consolidated group of companies of which General de Rental Maquinaria, S.A. is the parent company, and the auditor's report corresponding to the year 2023
Consolidated non-financial information statement corresponding to the fiscal year 2023
Annual corporate governance report corresponding to fiscal year 2023
Annual report on directors' remuneration for the year 2023
Report from the Board of Directors justifying the modification of article 30 of the Bylaws, which contains the full text of the proposed modification
Report of the Appointments, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee justifying the proposal to approve the remuneration policy of the Board of Directors 2025-2027
Report of the Board of Directors in relation to the proposal to approve the remuneration policy of the Board of Directors 2025-2027
Board remuneration policy 2025-2027
Report from the Appointments, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee justifying the proposal for the re-election of Mr. Jacobo Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo as an independent director, which includes his curriculum vitae as an annex
Report of the Board of Directors in relation to the proposal for re-election of Mr. Jacobo Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo as independent director
Consolidated text of the Regulations of the Board of Directors, indicating the modifications approved by the Board of Directors on May 10, 2024
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposal to delegate to the Board of Directors the power to increase share capital
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposal to delegate to the Board of Directors the power to issue debentures, bonds, or other securities exchangeable and/or convertible into shares of the Company, as well as warrants
Attendance card for the 2024 Ordinary General Meeting
Document indicating the number of voting rights of GAM on the date of publication of the call for the Meeting
JGO 2024 call announcement (La Razón)
Remote voting at the general meeting
Shareholders with the right to attend and vote, may cast their vote on the proposals relating to items included in the Order of the day, by mail or by electronic communication, in in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, the Regulations of the General Shareholders Meetings and the complementary and development regulations established by the Board of Administration.
The casting of the postal vote will be carried out by sending the Company the Attendance card issued by the Company or entities in charge of keeping the record of book entries, without prejudice to the other requirements and conditions that the Board of Directors may establish in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of the Regulations of the General Shareholders Meetings.
The vote by electronic communication will be issued under a recognized electronic signature or any other type of guarantee that the Board of Directors deems appropriate to ensure authenticity and identification of the shareholder who exercises the right to vote, also without prejudice to the other requirements and conditions that the Board of Directors may establish in accordance with the provided for in article 8 of the Regulations of the General Shareholders Meetings.
Regarding the vote cast by any of the means provided for in article 8 of the Regulations of the General Shareholders Meetings, its reception by the Company must take place 24 hours before the day and time scheduled for holding the General Meeting on first call. Otherwise, the vote will be deemed not cast.
Voting delegation
Any shareholder who has the right to attend may be represented at the General Meeting by another person. The representation must be granted in writing or, where appropriate, by means of communication. remotely in accordance with the provisions in this regard in the Regulations of the General Shareholders Meetings and on a special basis for each Meeting. This power of representation is understood without prejudice of the provisions of the Law for cases of family representation and granting of general powers.
In any case, both for the cases of voluntary representation and for those of legal representation, it will not be possible to have more than one representative on the Board.
The representation is always revocable. The personal attendance at the General Meeting of the represented party will be revoked.
Shareholder Forum
The forum is enabled exclusively to facilitate the communication of the shareholders of the Company among themselves, on the occasion of the call of the General Shareholders Meetings and until the celebration Of the same. You can consult its operation in the Shareholders Electronic Forum Regulations
Information 2023
22 June 2023
Announcement of call for the Ordinary General Meeting 2023
Full text of the proposed agreements of the 2023 Ordinary General Meeting
Individual annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and memory), management report and the auditor's report corresponding to fiscal year 2022
Annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and memory), the management report (which includes in turn, the Consolidated Non-Financial Information Statement, the Annual Corporate Governance Report and the Annual Report on Remuneration of Directors) of the group consolidated group of companies of which General de Rental Maquinaria, S.A. is the parent company, and the auditor's report corresponding to fiscal year 2022
Consolidated non-financial information statement corresponding to fiscal year 2022
Annual corporate governance report corresponding to fiscal year 2022
Annual report on directors' remuneration for fiscal year 2022
Report of the Audit Committee on the proposal for re-election of the auditor of the Company and its consolidated group
Report from the Appointments, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee justifying the proposal for re-election of Mr. Ignacio Moreno Martínez as independent director, which includes as an annex your Curriculum vitae
Report of the Board of Directors in relation to the proposal for re-election of Mr. Ignacio Moreno Martínez as independent director
Report of the Appointments, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee in relation to the proposal for the re-election of Ms. Patricia Riberas López as proprietary director
Report from the Board of Directors justifying the re-election of Ms. Patricia Riberas López as proprietary director
Report of the Appointments, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee in relation to the proposal for the re-election of Mr. Pedro Luis Fernández Pérez as executive director
Report from the Board of Directors justifying the proposal for re-election of Mr. Pedro Luis Fernández Pérez as executive director
Report from the Board of Directors justifying the modification of articles 26, 28 bis and 29 of the Bylaws, which contains the full text of the modification proposal
Consolidated text of the Regulations of the Board of Directors, indicating the modifications approved by the Board of Directors on December 1, 2022
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposal to delegate to the Board of Directors the power to issue debentures, bonds, or other exchangeable securities and/or convertible into shares of the Company, as well as warrants
Attendance card for the 2023 Ordinary General Meeting
Document indicating the number of GAM voting rights on the date of publication of the call for the Meeting
Information 2022
24 May 2022
Voting result 2021 2022
Política de remuneraciones de los consejeros (2022-2024)
22 abril 2022
Announcement of the General Shareholders' Meeting call 2022
Announcement of the General Shareholders' Meeting call - Diario La Razón
Full text of the proposed agreements 2022
Cuentas anuales individuales (balance, cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias, estado de cambios en el patrimonio neto, estado de flujos de efectivo y memoria), el informe de gestión y el informe del auditor correspondientes al ejercicio 2021
Cuentas anuales (balance, cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias, estado de cambios en el patrimonio neto, estado de flujos de efectivo y memoria), el informe de gestión (que incluye a su vez el Consolidated statement of non-financial information, el Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo y el Informe Anual sobre Remuneraciones de los Consejeros) del grupo consolidado de sociedades del cual General de Alquiler de Maquinaria, S.A. es la sociedad dominante, y el informe del auditor correspondientes al ejercicio 2021
Consolidated non-financial information statement for the year 2021
Annual corporate governance report for the year 2021
Annual report on remuneration of directors for the year 2021
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposal to amend the Bylaws.
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee justificativo de la propuesta de modificación de la política de remuneraciones del Consejo de Administración
Política de remuneraciones del Consejo de Administración 2022-2024
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee justificativo de la propuesta de reelección de Dña. Verónica María Pascual Boé como consejera independiente de GAM
Informe del Consejo de Administración en relación con la propuesta de reelección de Dña. Verónica María Pascual Boé como consejera independiente de GAM
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee en relación con la propuesta de nombramiento por cooptación de D. Francisco López Peña como consejero dominical de GAM.
Informe del Consejo de Administración justificativo de la propuesta de nombramiento por cooptación de D. Francisco López Peña como consejero dominical de GAM
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposed delegation to the Board of Directors of the power to increase the share capital.
Attendance card a la Junta General Ordinaria 2022
Document indicating the number of voting rights of GAM on the date of publication of the call for the Meeting.
Information 2021
13 Abril 2021
Announcement of the call published in El Economista
Announcement of the meeting call
Full text of the proposed agreements
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposal to amend the Bylaws
Attendance card to the Ordinary General Meeting 2021
Full text of the individual annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and memory), the management report and the auditor's report of the Company corresponding to the financial year 2020
Full text of the annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and memory), the management report of the consolidated group of companies of which General de Alquiler de Maquinaria, S.A. is the dominant society, the information state consolidated non-financial report and the Company's auditor's report for the year 2020
Annual report on remuneration of directors for the year 2020
Consolidated non-financial information statement for the year 2020
Annual corporate governance report for the year 2020
Information 2020
1 May 2020
7 May 2020
Agreements Board. Voting result
Attendance card
Full text of the individual annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and memory), the management report and the auditor's report of the Company corresponding to the financial year 2019
Full text of the annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows and memory), the management report of the consolidated group of companies of which General de Alquiler de Maquinaria, S.A. is the dominant society, the information state consolidated non-financial report and the Company's auditor's report for the year 2019
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee justifying the re-election proposal of Mr. Jacobo Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo as independent director by GAM
Report of the Board of Directors regarding the proposal for re-election of Mr. Jacobo Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo as an independent director of GAM
Currículum vitae de D. Jacobo Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo
Report of the Audit Committee on the proposal for re-election of the auditor of the Company's accounts
Annual report on remuneration of directors for the year 2019
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the modification of the Bylaws through the introduction of a new article 18.bis, which contains the full text of the proposed amendment
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposed delegation to the Board of Directors of the power to increase the share capital
Consolidated non-financial information statement for the year 2019
Annual corporate governance report for the year 2019
Information 2019
19 September 2019
18 September 2019
Announcement of the call of the meeting
21 Octubre 2019
Appointments and Remuneration Committee Report in relation to the proposed appointment by co-option of Pedro Luis Fernández Pérez as executive director of GAM.
Report from the Board of Directors justifying the proposed appointment by co-option of Pedro Luis Fernández Pérez as executive director of GAM
Currículum vitae de D. Pedro Luis Fernández Pérez.
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee in relation to the proposal for the appointment by co-optation of Mr. Francisco José Riberas Mera as director GAM Sunday.
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the proposal for the appointment by co-optation of Mr. Francisco José Riberas Mera as proprietary director of GAM.
Currículum vitae de D. Francisco José Riberas Mera.
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee in relation to the proposed appointment by co-optation of Ms. Patricia Riberas López as director GAM Sunday.
report of the Board of Directors justifying the proposal for the appointment by co-option of Ms. Patricia Riberas López as proprietary director of GAM
Currículum vitae de Dña. Patricia Riberas López.
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee justifying the proposal for the appointment by co-optation of Mr. Ignacio Moreno Martínez as director GAM independent
Currículum vitae de D. Ignacio Moreno Martínez.
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the modification of article 6 of GAM's Bylaws, which contains the full text of the modification proposal, in relation to the proposed increase in money capital.
Report of the Board of Directors on the nature and characteristics of the credits to be compensated, the identity of the contributors, the number of shares to be issued and the amount of the increase, in relation to the proposed capital increase by compensation of credits.
Certification of the Company's auditor for the purposes of the provisions of article 301.3 of the Capital Companies Law, in relation to the proposal of capital increase by compensation of credits.
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the modification of article 6 of GAM's Bylaws, which contains the full text of the modification proposal, in relation to the proposal for a capital increase by compensation of credits.
Proposal for the remuneration policy of the Board of Directors.
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee justifying the proposal to modify the remuneration policy of the Board of Directors.
30 Octubre 2019
Monetary capital increase
23 May 2019
Full text of the individual annual accounts for the 2018 financial year and audit report
Full text of the consolidated annual accounts of the group for the year 2018 and audit report
Consolidated statement of non-financial information.
Annual report on remuneration of directors for the year 2018
Annual corporate governance report for the year 2018
Document indicating the number of voting rights of GAM on the date of publication of the call to the Meeting
Information 2018
26 May 2018
25 May 2018
27 june 2018
Full text of the individual annual accounts for the 2017 financial year and audit report
Full text of the consolidated annual accounts of the group for the year 2017 and audit report
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee justifying the proposal for the appointment of an independent director.
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the proposed resolution on the appointment of an independent female director
Currículum vitae de Dña. Verónica María Pascual Boé
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the proposed resolution on the appointment of an independent director, indicating the modifications approved by the Board of Directors on May 24, 2018
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee justifying the proposal to modify the remuneration policy of the Board of Directors
Annual report on remuneration of directors for the year 2017
Attendance card.
Information 2017
20 May 2017
19 May 2017
22 june 2017
Individual annual accounts for the year 2016
Consolidated annual accounts of the group for the year 2016
Report of the Audit Committee on the proposal for the appointment of the new auditor of the Company
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the proposal to amend article 6 (“Share Capital”) of the Bylaws derived from the proposed capital reduction charged to voluntary reserves with the sole purpose of allowing the balancing of the number of shares for the grouping (counter-split) of actions
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the proposal to amend article 6 (“Share Capital”) of the Bylaws derived from the proposed grouping (counter-split) of shares
Annual report on remuneration of directors for the year 2016
Annual corporate governance report for the year 2016
Information 2016
21 May 2016
20 May 2016
23 june 2016
Report of the Board of Directors on the modification of the Corporate Bylaws
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the proposed resolution on the appointment of an independent director, indicating the modifications approved by the Board of Directors
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee on the proposal to modify the remuneration policy of the Board of Directors
Report of the Audit Committee regarding the re-election of the Company's auditor
Report of the Audit and Appointments Committee on the appointment by co-option of a proprietary director
Report of the Board of Directors on the appointment by co-optation of a proprietary director
CV Carlos Luis Hernández Bueno
CV Jacobo Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee on the proposal for the appointment of an independent director
Report of the Board of Directors on the appointment of an independent director
Report of the Board of Directors on the bases and modalities of conversion in relation to the issue of warrants and on the corresponding increase in credit compensation capital
Certification of the Company's auditor for the purposes of article 301.3 of the Capital Companies Law
Independent expert report AUREN
Information 2015
16 November 2015
Announcement of the call published in La Razón
Text of the call
17 Diciembre 2015
Report of the Audit and Appointments Committee on the appointment of proprietary directors by co-optation
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposal for the appointment of proprietary directors by co-optation
CV Juan José Zornoza
CV Ramón Forn
CV Pablo Blanco
28 Abril 2015
28 April 2015
Call of the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
29 May 2015
Report of the Audit and Appointments Committee on the re-election of directors
Report of the Board of Directors on the re-election of directors
CV D. Pedro Luis Fernández Pérez
CV D. Ramón Marsal Minguella
Report of the Board of Directors on the delegation to the Board of the power to increase the share capital (art. 297 LSC)
Consolidated text of the Regulations of the General Meeting, indicating the proposal of modifications that are submitted to the approval of the General Meeting
Report of the Board of Directors justifying the proposed resolution on the appointment of an independent director, indicating the modifications approved by the Board of Directors en fecha 20 de abril de 2015
Report of the Board of Directors on the capital increase for compensation of credits (“Participating and Adhering Debt”)
Report of the Board of Directors on the capital increase due to credit compensation (“Remaining Debt”)
Report of the Board of Directors on the capital increase due to credit compensation (“Debt Arising from Subsidiaries”)
Certification of the accounts auditor on the capital increase by compensation of credits (“Participating and Adhering Debt”) for the purposes of the provisions of Article 301.3 of the Capital Companies Law
Certification of the accounts auditor on the capital increase by credit compensation (“Remaining Debt”), for the purposes of the provisions of article 301.3 of the Capital Companies Law
Certification of the accounts auditor on the capital increase for compensation (“Debt Arising from Subsidiaries”), for the purposes of the provisions of article 301.3 of the Capital Companies Law
Document indicating GAM's voting right number on the date of publication of the call to the Meeting
Audit committee report and auditor reappointment appointments
Information 2014
29 May 2014
Announcement call JGO 2014 (El Economista)
30 june 2014
CA report on Board remuneration
Commission report on the re-election of the auditor
Report of the Committee on the appointment and re-election of directors
CA report on the delegation to the Board to increase share capital (art. 297 LSC)
Total number of shares and voting rights of the Company existing on the date of call
Information 2013
17 May 2013
Announcement call JGO 2013 (El_Economista)
Information 2012
11 May 2012
Authorized Capital Report
Report of the Audit and Appointments Committee, re-election of auditor
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposal to amend the Company Bylaws
Report of the Board of Directors on the proposal to amend the Regulations of the General Shareholders Meetings
Report on the remuneration policy for Directors
Full text of the proposed agreements Convertidos
Information 2011
22 june 2011
Call of the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting and Agenda
Full text of the agreements
Report on the extremes contemplated in Article 116 bis of the Securities Market Law
Audit and Control Committee Report Re-election of Auditors
Report of the Appointments Committee Re-election of Directors
Statutes Modifications Report
Report Modifications Regulations of the Board
Information 2010
28 May 2010
Explanatory report of the board of directors on the points referred to in article 116 BIS of "THE SECURITIES MARKET LAW", and which are included in the management report, corresponding to the financial year 2009
Report re-election of Auditors audit committee
Report of the Committee on Appointments and re-election of directors
Information 2009
22 May 2009
Supplement to the call for the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
Full text Proposed Settlements
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
Audit and Control Committee report on re-election of auditors
Report on the proposed delegation to the Board of Directors of the power to increase the share capital
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, April 23, 2009
Information 2008
18 Abril 2008
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee
Report on the proposal to transfer address
Annual financial report 2007
Information 2007
20 june 2007
Call of the Extraordinary General Meeting and Agenda
proposed settlements
25 May 2007
Call of the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting y Order of the day
Information 2006
20 September 2006
Call of the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
Order of the day